
Memory Card Game

Paper game cards. Memory is a great game kids can play on their own.
Cutting out the pictures. Playing memory. Playing Cards for Kids at the party.

This game is for preschoolers.
This game is the perfect guide for practicing and playing with children at home, in kindergarten.
This game teaches us to find the image of the object contour.

Cards for Games


 Cards for Games
 Cards for Games
 Cards for Games

How to prepare for the game?

Print your card on a color printer. Cut carefully along the lines of cards.

How to play this game?

The first game "Bingo"

Players take a green card. Small cards with the pictures takes a player. The player shows a colored card. The players have to guess who has the image of the contour of the object on the green card.

The child, who found in their green card "hidden" object, takes the card and puts on his green card.

The game ends when one player collects all the cards on his green card. He is the winner.

The second game is "Who is faster"

Each child takes a single green card. Color cards are laid face-up. At a signal from the leading members begin to search for cards to his green card. Those who handle first is the winner.

We'd love to hear how you use them, so please leave a comment.

See also the free educational game for Kids "Find Same Pictures"

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